Our Farm Store was built in 2011 allowing customers to come in contact with our family, as farmers, and our food producing animals. Survival of small farms is dependent on educating the public about rural life and the origin of their foods.
Our goal is to bring nutritious food to our community and to teach others where their food comes from. We also have a strong commitment to the best environmental practices and believe in fair compensation for farmers and workers.
We sell our goat’s milk cheeses, Goat-La-To, farmstead meats, and goat’s milk soap. Our food has an address, not a barcode.
We also sell a variety of local foods, including jams, jellies, butters, peanut butter, pickled products, cow butter, muscadine juice and honey. Handmade crafts and a variety of farm and goat themed toys, necklaces, ornaments, windchimes and additional gift items are also available. And, don’t forget our large selection of goat’s milk soap and lotion.
Cash, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express (debit or credit) accepted for Farm Store purchases with a $10 minimum purchase. No checks accepted.


The Quilt Trails project got its start in Ohio when Donna Sue Groves put a block on her barn to honor her mother. From that simple act, the project has spread to more than 30 states and Canada. We added our own quilt block to our Farm Store in 2012. The Churn Dash is a very old 9-Patch quilt block pattern, originating between 1800 and 1849. Its name is a result of the resemblance of the triangle and rectangle perimeter of the block to a butter churn and the center square to the stick (or “dash”) of the butter churn. With the quilt square being placed on our Farm Store we added our special touch, a goat, to tie the quilt square to our goat cheese, farmstead goat meat and future frozen dairy treats.
***We continue to operate as a family run farm and are available to take questions from 9AM to 6PM ONLY via the telephone (336.969.5698). Please be aware that the farm is manned 24 hours a day but we are not able to answer the telephone at all times due to our many activities. We will return calls, at our convenience, usually during lunch or evening hours between 7PM and 9PM. When telephoning, leave a brief message, with your name and phone number stated clearly. You may also email us with your questions at your convenience to Robin@BuffaloCreekFarmNC.com***
Farm Store Hours – Open daily except Christmas Day. Also open by appointment, if needed.
- Monday
- 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Tuesday
- 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Wednesday
- 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Thursday
- 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Friday
- 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Saturday
- 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Sunday
- 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm