A nonrefundable down payment of 50% is required for any of Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC’s animals that you want to reserve. All animals must be picked up within 14 days of sale or when weaned. Payment by cash, check or PayPal must be received within 5 business days to hold the animal or it/they will be added back to the current sales list or retained by Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC. At the time of pickup, the balance due must be paid in cash.
At the time of sale, an agreed upon pickup date will be determined by the Seller and Buyer. If the animal is not picked up within 14 days of the agreed upon date, the Buyer forfeits the animal as well as the down payment. The animal will be added back to the current sales list or retained by Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC. If the Seller agrees to a new pickup date (for an additional 14 days), a $8 per head per day charge is incurred for the additional time period. After the additional 14 days, the Buyer forfeits the animal as well as the down payment and the animal will be added back to the current sales list or retained by Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC.
Adequate transportation must be provided by the Buyer. All animals must be transported in an adequately sized, covered (winter months and rainy weather only), ventilated, safe cage/trailer where they may comfortably and safely stand, turn around and lay down. If you have unsatisfactory/unsafe transportation, Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC has the right to refuse the release of the animal. For buyers in the Germanton area, we have loaner crates available free of charge for small animals. It is acceptable for younger animals to be held by a passenger inside your vehicle – – – especially bottle babies!
The Buyer must provide adequate fencing, food, care, shelter and fresh water for the animals. It is not acceptable to keep animals tied-out.
Goats and sheep will be sold in pairs unless it is determined that the Buyer already has goats/sheep.
All animals are sold “AS IS”. Because we cannot control stress that may occur as a result from shipping, the animals environment or management once they leave the farm, we are not responsible for any shipping stress, illness, death or their development. We cannot offer guarantees. You have the right to have any animal you purchase examined/tested at our farm by a Veterinarian of your choice and at your expense prior to pick up.
PayPal terms for down payment : A 5% service fee will be accessed for each payment made via PayPal. Please contact us if you would like to pay your Down Payment via PayPal, and we will send you an invoice by email.
An Application for Registration is provided with all registerable goats. If your paperwork is lost, a $50 fee will be accessed for each goat to research and regenerate additional paperwork. This fee must be paid by PayPal with a 5% service fee added for each payment. Contact us if you would like to pay a regeneration of paperwork fee via PayPal and we will send you an invoice by email.
Cash is preferred at pickup; however, if you would like to pay by a card, a 5% service fee will be accessed for each payment made via MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express cards (debit or credit).
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us: Robin@BuffaloCreekFarmNC.com or call 336.969.5698 between 9AM and 6PM ONLY.
Last updated October 25, 2024