Our customers enjoy coming to the farm to make their purchases so that they can watch the animals whose pastures surround the store. These are the same animals from which we get the milk to make the cheese, Goat-La-To and soap and the meat for our freezers. Visitors often bring friends and family to show off where they shop locally.
Quality, thoughtfully-raised meat has seen a huge surge in demand lately. Along with our farming neighbors, we have known about great-tasting homegrown meat all along. With the addition on the Farm Store, we are now able to share the opportunity for cooking farmstead meats with our local customers.
What is Farmstead Meat?
Farmstead meat is meat which comes from our own flocks and herds.
We process two to three pastured lambs and goats at a time and do NOT sell goat or lamb whole, by the half or by the quarter. All of our meat, including beef, is sold by the cut and the meat is rotated using FIFO (First In – First Out) procedures to keep the best meat available for our customers. Since we sell what we raise and carry limited amounts of meat, we encourage you to email or call for the availability of particular cuts before coming to the Farm Store.
Our cattle, goats and lambs are taken to a local meat processor, Mitchell’s Meat Processing in Walnut Cove, NC, for harvesting. The meat is USDA inspected and it is available for purchase in our Farm Store. It is vacuum sealed, labeled and frozen by our processor in portion quantities per package. For example, our ground beef, ground goat and ground lamb are in approximately one pound packages. Packages are sold by weight and package weight will vary slightly.
What Happened To Our Farmstead Beef?
Our grass fed, grass finished beef is back in 2025! In 2018, during Hurricane Michael, our farm’s pastures flooded. Our cattle pasture, was completely underwater and all our fencing was lost. After the water receded enough that we could cross Buffalo Creek, our cattle were corralled and hauled to be sold as we had no way to contain them. Our fencing was replaced in early 2023 and new heifers have arrived. (The picture below depicts our goat and sheep pastures. Our cattle pasture on the opposite side of Buffalo Creek was much worse.)

What is grass fed grass finished beef? It comes from cattle that ate nothing but grass and forage for their entire lives. Their diet of natural grasses and vegetation contributes to full-flavored beef that is rich in healthful Omega-3 fatty acids.
Why is beef raised on grass more costly than conventionally raised beef? Cattle raised on pasture require more space, more time to grow out and more labor.
Check out our freezer for beef, lamb and goat!

Johnny and Robin Blakley (owners of Buffalo Creek Farm and Creamery, LLC) are both certified Poultry and Meat Handlers through the Meat and Poultry Inspection Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as of December 6, 2011 and are inspected yearly.

farmstead MeAT PRICES
Grass Fed Grass Finished Beef
Fillet/Tenderloin: $29/Lb
NY Strip: $21/Lb
Ribeye: $23/Lb
Sirloin: $16/Lb
Flat Iron: $19/Lb
Flank Steak: $16/Lb
Skirt Steak: $16/Lb
Short Ribs: $10/Lb
Brisket: $13/Lb
Sirloin Tip Roast: $13/Lb
Chuck Roast: $11/Lb
Pot Roast: $11/Lb
Eye of Round: $13/Lb
Beef Tips: $11/Lb
Ground Beef: $9/Lb
Stew Beef: $10/Lb
Ox Tail: $12/Lb
Organ Meat (Heart, Tongue, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Fries): $8/Lb
Soup Bones: $5/Lb
Pasture Raised Lamb
Riblets: $13/Lb
Frenched Rack: $27/Lb
Chops: $22/Lb
Shank: $14/Lb
Bone-In Leg of Lamb: $19/Lb
Ground Lamb: $17/Lb
Lamb Sausage (Italian): $18/Lb
Lamb Stew: $17/Lb
Organ Meat (Heart, Tongue, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Fries): $8/Lb
Soup Bones: $5/Lb
Pasture Raised Goat
Ground Goat: $17/Lb
Goat Stew: $18/Lb
Chops: $22/Lb
Shank: $15/Lb
Organ Meat (Heart, Tongue, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Fries): $8/Lb
Soup Bones: $5/Lb
Cash, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express (debit or credit) accepted for Farm Store purchases with a $10 minimum purchase. No checks accepted.