Why do we raise dairy goats? From the beginning, it ran the gamut from keeping goats for pets and brush eaters for our abandoned farm, to introducing our children to raising livestock, to enjoying the products they produce such as milk and meat.
We eventually settled on the dual purpose Nubian breed because of their look and personalities. We fell in love with goat’s milk soap and started milking the does to start our own line of goat’s milk soap. That progressed to having too much milk just for our soapmaking project and we began making cheese and ice cream for our family.
After a few years of making soap, cheese and ice cream, we decided to pursue licensed cheesemaking. Our Nubians were just the right fit for us as their milk has a high butterfat content, just perfect for cheesemaking and Goat-La-To.
If you are raising goats now or are thinking about it in the future, enjoy your journey!
CAE and Johne’s Testing: All does and bucks aged one year and older tested negative for CAE and Johne’s on our yearly testing as of January 3, 2025.
2017 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
2018 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
2019 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
2020 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
2021 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
2022 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
2023 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
2024 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
2025 CAE and Johne’s Test Results
(Testing provided by Rocky Creek Dairy and Veterinary Service in Olin, NC and NCVDLS: Rollins Lab in Raleigh, NC.)

2015 Dairy Animal Care and Quality Assurance Comprehensive Certified
American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioner
American Cheese Society
American Dairy Science Association
American Goat Federation
Animal Agriculture Alliance/Animal Industry Foundation
Backyard Goats
Bare Necessities for Milking
Bottle Feeding
Countryside & Small Stock Journal
Dairy Goat Awareness Week
Dairy Practices Council
Disbudding Dairy Goats
Gestation Calculator
Goat Biology
Goat Superstitions & Sayings
Good Dairy Goat
Hoof Trimming
Hoof Trimming 101
International Goat Association
Milking Dairy Goats
National Goat Cheese Month
National Institute for Animal Agriculture
National Pedigreed Livestock Council
Nubian Breed Basics
Tattoo Marking
The Livestock Conservancy
United States Animal Health Association
Vitamins & Minerals